Rainbows and Butterflies and Unicorns, Oh My

I was thinking, instead of the rubber duck race for charity maybe we could instead get together and make rainbow cakes.

I found this wonderful pinterest board that specializes in todays wonderful kinder gentler Good Morning Gloucester Theme-

Rainbows and Butterflies and Unicorns, Oh My

Check out this wonderful wonderful pinterest board-


So wonderful.  I love rainbows.  They make me happy.

Beauty in the World

When I came back from meetings this afternoon, I learned the Good News that it is Butterflies, Unicorns, and Rainbow Day on GMG!!! I had already scheduled the Homies post, but thought to squeeze in another to celebrate this special day on GMG. 

I Believe In Unicorns

Aren’t Unicorns So Magical?  As Part Of The Kinder Gentler Butterfly, Rainbows, and Unicorn Day I Bring You I Believe In Unicorns Blog-



From the I Believe In Unicorns Blog-

Magical Unicorns

“Wherever they may have come from, and wherever they may have gone, unicorns live inside the true believer’s heart. Which means that as long as we can dream, there will be unicorns.”

So wonderful.