Chickity Check It! Plum Cove Grind’s Delicious Sandwiches

The sandwich I got was the second one down on the right.  It was freaking fantastic and my mouth is drooling right now just thinking about it as I type.

Plum Cove Grind

I stopped by “the Grind” last weekend while in Lanesville.  What a find this little joint is!

Plum Cove Grind is to Lanesville what Last Stop Variety is to East Gloucester.  I had one of the most delicious sandwiches I’ve ever eaten from here.  It was a tuna sandwich but it also had (I think) candied walnuts and cranberries)  not sure what else was in the sandwich but it was excellent!  I mean EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT!

You just gotta try it.  It’s worth the ride.

Plum Cove Grind, originally uploaded by captjoe06.