Major Field House restoration progress at Gloucester High School | Big DPW project #GloucesterMA #GHS #Basketball #Track

After twenty plus years in need and many years of planning, the Gloucester High School field house deficiencies are no more. Restoration is underway on this 1.6 million capital improvement directed by Gloucester Public Works.

The old bleachers are being replaced with top notch product.

Issues with the original concrete and under laying have been resolved. “The new work will be done correctly.” This mean new hardwood flooring. New usable track. Gloucester DPW hired Capital construction for this big project.

Views of the progress July 2020– so exciting!


Gloucester High School Field House summer construction major renovations_20200727_Gloucester Mass photographs ©c ryan (5)


The old bleachers were punched out all over, holes like confetti. Rumor one I’ve heard was shot put tosses caused the damage (whether practice misses or on purpose, I’m not sure) Rumors two is the holes were a result of indoor baseball and softball practice. What do you think caused the holes? Cue up GMG poll.

Whatever the results, counting on community taking care of the new fieldhouse.

The  Benjamin A. Smith Field House, aka Smith Field House, was formerly dedicated to  Albert Bachelor. 


Track the Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race

The 127 mile Great Chesapeake Bay Schooner Race (GCBSR) starts October 17th.  This year’s fleet includes several schooners familiar to us here in Gloucester ___  Adventurer 65, Hindu, Liberty Clipper, Light Reign, Norfolk Rebel, Pride of Baltimore II and Virginia.

Portsmouth 06 (9)Portsmouth Visitor Center

Every boat will have a tracker to enable watching the race live.   Keep your eye on the race website for a tracker link to be posted prior to the start.  The Chesapeake can get pretty rough, and this has often been the case.  To add interest you can get real time wind info as well as the forecast along the route from the NOAA site.  I did this race in Green Dragon six times and am familiar with the bay and many of the boats, so it’s great sport watching on the internet.   An all-nighter at the computer in a safe, dry, warm place with a little rum is not a terrible alternative to racing.

There is an all-day pig and oyster roast / awards ceremony at the Portsmouth, VA Visitor Center.  I got these shots from the adjacent Marriott Hotel.

Al Bezanson

Track The Great Provincetown Schooner Regatta From Gloucester To Provincetown Right Now Live!

Al Bezanson forwarded the link to me this morning.

Click on the interactive map below to follow them throughout the day!


View: Fleet Course The Great Provincetown Schooner Regatta

Boat Name






Thomas E Lannon

Click on each boat to see it’s information like this-
