Local Ad Company Makes National Music Video For Guster

My childhood buddy Jonathan Cahill- AKA Abby Joy Cahill’s older brother writes-

Hey Joey,

Some breaking news for you:

Universal Republic Records has chosen Chad Carlberg, owner of Bait & Tackle Ad Company in Gloucester, MA,  and director with Production Blue, to create the new music video for Guster’s new single “Do You Love Me?” Chad Carlberg and Gloucester-based visual artist Jon Sarkin have begun collaboration on the project. Chad and Jon have been friends and have worked on a number of projects together for ten years. Chad and Guster drummer Brian Rosenworcel have been longtime friends as well.
Two months ago, Brian was talking to Chad about needing artwork for a new album (in two weeks!) and still had no artist. Chad suggested Jon Sarkin. Sarkin has work in the private collections of Meryl Streep, Robert DeNiro and Diane Von Furstenberg. He has shown at Diane von Furstenberg, The DeCordova and others (see www.jsarkin.com for more), has been featured in three BBC documnetary films, an ABC Medical Mysteries, articles in GQ, Vanity Fair, Readers Digest, etc. Brian loved the idea, and a few days later the band was on-board and Sarkin was off and running on the album cover and all art for album.
Shortly thereafter, Brian asked Chad to direct one of the 12 songs off the new album for a web video. Chad chose the single “Do You Love Me?” But Brian called back later and recommended picking another song because the single was getting a real budget and would be done only by a director with Universal’s approval. But Chad was up to the challenge and said, “Let me try.” He wrote five treatments, and created a video page for his pitch of demo work. Even though he had Brian in his corner, Brian had no influence over Universal, who held the purse strings.
As it turned out, Universal and the band members loved the idea that Chad pitched using Sarkin as part of the video. This pitch video was based on a test Chad previously made with Sarkin and noted musician, Sten Bowen who also co-directed with Chad on this project.
Under Chad Carlberg’s direction, this is the first major Production Blue project, (Bait & Tackle Ad Company’s new, high-end production partner). Chad is assisted by Emile Doucette, Bait & Tackle’s Technical Director and Tom Papows, Camera Operator.
See video here about the idea for the music video and the Carlberg/Sarkin/Guster relationship:

GGAP Artists’ Work showcasing Greasy Pole makes international fest finals

By Quinn Allen-Wardell
Gloucester Daily Times Staff Writer

The Greasy Pole walks synonymous with the sporting side of Gloucester’s annual St. Peter’s Fiesta is about to be showcased on the international stage — at least on film.

Four Cape Ann residents are on their way this weekend to the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival in Toronto, where they will present a film they made on the annual Greasy Pole event.

Along with 11 other teams, the Gloucester-based filmmaking group of Michael Pallazola, Emile Doucette, Tom Papows and Brian Wright was named a finalist in the International Documentary Challenge, a timed filmmaking competition in which teams have five days to make a documentary that runs between 4 and 7 minutes in length. The dozen finalists were picked from 142 competitors based in 16 countries….. Read more here

Good luck Guys! Everyone at GMG will be rooting for you!