Three Day Threshold tonight @ The Rhumb Line 9:30pm

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Giddy-up tonight with ‘Three Day Threshold’ a VERY high energy Country/RockAbilly and Bluegrass band from Boston…They tour all over the place and we are lucky to have them again… This is gonna be like a real live Hootenanny for sure.

14 live shows ~ decks, schooners, restaurants, bars ~ music all day!

One of the best reasons to live in Gloucester is that when the weather finally turns nice, it’s outdoor music galore.  Case in point: today you can soak in music on 4 decks, a schooner, at Shalin Liu with the ocean backdrop and a dozen restaurants/bars, many on the water and/or with outside dining.  Here’s a taste of Michael O’Leary singing Celtic music on the Lannon.  Not sure if there are any tickets left for today’s music sail, but you can call 978-281-6634 and find out.

After the sail, get ready to dance & party with Boston Magazine’s Best Local Band, Three Day Threshold at the Rhumb Line tonight at 9.  Here’s a video of them at the Paradise in Boston.  Video sound isn’t great, but you get the idea (click here if you want good sound).

Having these guys in Gloucester is BIG.

See complete live music lineup here.

Best Bands in MA coming to Gloucester

It’s a revolution — a slow one.  Perhaps you haven’t even noticed.  In school we’re taught about revolutions as if they happen all at once.  But most of them don’t.  They take years.  One day, you look around and everything has changed.  It’s hard to notice the revolution when we’re in the middle of it.  That’s where we are now — in the middle of Gloucester’s music revolution.  Here’s how you can tell:

On Sunday, The Brew, recently named Best Band in New England by the New England Music Awards, will be at Minglewood.  One quick listen and you’ll know why they won.

Music on Sundays at Minglewood?  That’s right.  This Sunday 6/2 Minglewood Tavern launches a new night of music.  Let’s get down there and prove them right for adding another night to the Gloucester music revolution.

Next Saturday, Boston Magazine’s Best Local Band, Three Day Threshold plays The Rhumbline.  This band ROCKS and defies genre.  Listen here.  They’ve also got a great sense of humor as evidenced by their Facebook description: “good country gone terribly terribly bad”.

If you look at their tour dates, you see they’re at Meadowbrook Pavilion, Middle East Downstairs (the big room) and the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville.  But YOU can see them at The Rhumbline without even crossing the bridge.  That’s revolution.

While you’re at it, check out tomorrow’s Rhumbline choice, Under Griffin’s Porch.  Here’s a prediction: It won’t be long before they win a Best Band award.

Gloucester’s music revolution is all around you.  Join in and have some fun!