Seasonal Openings Part III

The list of what has opened is long so I am switching modes to only speak of Cape Ann eateries about to open or changes in hours as spring turns to summer. Speaking of summer, how do you like the summer weather? It only rains on Monday and Tuesday? Last year and 1986 it seemed like it only rained on Saturday and Sunday. No more of that. Hot and humid here on out.

The Cupboard: Latest rumors all point to the Cupboard Opening tomorrow, Thursday, May 6. Today is Cinco de Mayo but tomorrow is “Seis de Mayo por la almejas fritas”. Works for me. Please do not chase me down if they do not open on Thursday. Their Facebook page is requesting job applications. Unfortunately my daughter has another month of eighth grade.

They have to be open by Saturday and I will be there to get some onion rings and a fish sandwich. I just got my camera out of hock so I might even be able to take a photo instead of these blurry iPhone shots. (Sorry about that again Jerry Remy burger.)

The Rudder: I was all excited about reading in the Gloucester Daily Times yesterday that the Rudder was going to be open year round. But reviewing Joey’s interview of Jeanie Boland last fall after the renovation and using my keen reading comprehension on the GDT story I now realize they may be open only to private functions in the winter. We need to change that. Every time you eat there make sure you mention how much you want The Rudder to stay open year round. Duckworths can do it and so can the Rudder.

But for now, The Rudder is Thursday to Saturday open at 5PM then on June 17th they will be open all week through the summer.

Fun Fact: My brother Chris just told me he ran the raw bar at The Rudder in the 80s. So did he kill anyone off? 8)

Summer Tourists, Some are not.

But Cape Ann is a tourist draw so if you don’t go with the flow you are missing out on some great fried clams, onion rings, and all sorts of other stuff to clog your arteries but what the hay it’s almost summer and winter is a long way away.

With that long intro, I want to know what seasonal restaurant is open. I love walking into a place that has been closed up all winter and the formica is all shined up and hopefully the fryolators are lubricated. Ice cream too, is there a better feeling than ordering that first mint chocolate chip from the Dairy Train in Rockport? (side note, my daughter was asking to go and I pretended to be deaf, not a real hard task, and I said “Scary Train?” and she repeated and I said “Scary Brain?” and we went on and on until she had to hit me over the head, anyway, Dairy Train is Scary Brain in our house.)

So what am I missing? I know some places are open and nobody told me. Stop that. I hate that.
So I want anyone who knows of a seasonal place that has opened or has posted the date at which they will open, send the info to me or post a reply and I will make a list and check it twice.

From my own personal ramblings I know that:
Top Dog: open
The Rudder : open Thursday-Saturday
Lobster Pool: open
Lobster Land (I mean Lobsta Land!): open
Top Siders: open (Oyster night is Tuesday night)
I’ve heard mention of this Cupboard at the end of the Boulevard and I will admit I have never eaten there. I’ve never played 18 holes of golf so sue me. But does anyone know when they might open?

Mail me or reply here, I will check it twice:

The Rudder: First Weekend

This was the first weekend of the Rudder and I was Jonesing for the Monkfish but never got there. Not until tonight but I missed the monkfish, That is, the mussels, crab cake apps then a Paella entrée got in the way.

Can I mention the mussels? Why have I been visiting Cape Ann for years and no one has explained to me that the Rudder’s mussels are not the usual white whine and onions sort of thing? That they do this cream with sausage that blends in some intense fennel flavor that is just over the top.

The crab cakes I won’t mention because I think everyone knows that they are the tastiest most crabby crab cakes on the island.

My daughter had the bolognese which is always something we have to doggy bag so I can find it later tonight to eat although she has become much craftier at hiding it.

Odds and Ends: Rudder, Taxes, Mac

April 15, this Thursday, The Rudder opens for the season. I’ve been Jonesin’ for some pan seared monkfish with lemon butter and capers since last fall. Tax Relief Specials. Spring Hours: Open Thursdays to Saturday 5PM.

April 15, this Thursday, is not tax day if you live in Essex county. That rain in March made us a “disaster recovery zone” so taxes are not due until May 11. Woot, off to the Rudder even if the IRS is getting a big check. Mañana.

What if you get a tax refund and you’re thinking maybe you should get something slick to load GMG onto. Don’t you want to see Homie’s tail feathers in glossy high resolution with a high refresh rate? (Really, it wiggles.) Since some people know me as a Mac fanboy I always get the question, “What Mac should I buy?” and my answer is always the same. Go to MacRumors Buyer’s Guide and find out when the new model is coming out. This page will tell you whether to buy now or wait. Say you wanted a MacBook Pro last week. Boy would you have buyer’s remorse if you had not gone to the page. They would have told you “New Models Soon DO NOT BUY!!”

New models for the MacBook Pro came out today. The 13 inch is nice.

Signs of Spring Part II

Wearing shorts and sandals at work and keeping an eye out for the Safety Officer. (Open toed is a no no.) On the drive in went down Yawkey Way and snapped a pic:

Fun Fact: Yawkey Way was Jersey Street back when Tiant and Bill Lee were pitching for the Sox.

On Easter Sunday night there will be baseball played in Fenway Park. The Yankees have reloaded after dumping Matsui and Damon in the trash.

I accidentally got an awesome seat in 2004. Doesn’t this get you all tingly?

Another sign of summer to come, The Rudder opens on Thursday April 15. Are you going to shoe horn yourself in there on the 15th? Because of flooding Tax Day for us has moved to May 11. Is that true? I’ll take it.

Rudder Reconstruction Update 12/28/08

Lots of composite trex-like decking.  Smart to use around salt water.  I wonder how they will finish off around that edge.  Stay tuned to these pages and we will find out as the project rolls forward.

Well It Sounded Like A Good Idea At The Time


After dinner with the everyone from the British Glamour shoot and the Mrs at Da Rudda, we decided to head over to The Crows Nest.

After bottles of wine, beer and martinis at Da Rudda, spirits were high and some of my fishermen told me they were going to be at The Crows Nest so I figured we would head over to meet up with them. None of my guys were there but we decided to hang out anyway and man up with some shots at the bar.

Yes I know I’m an idiot. Yes I know that staying out til midnight and pounding down shots when you have to get up for work a couple hours later is never a good idea. But I did it anyway.

And it was a hell of a lot of fun!

Look for Cyntia in the upcoming Victoria’s Secret catalog. From here she heads to the Carribean for a ten day shoot for Victoria’s Secret.

Here is a model page with pictures and a bio of her.

For the record she didn’t drink any booze and ate salmon while most everyone else ate lobster.

Cyntia Dicker

Here is David Burton’s website, the photographer that made the whole day a hell of a lot of fun.

How you feeling today mate? You should have never done that last shot!