A BEAUTIFUL SAINT PETER’S FIESTA SUNDAY ~ Good Night Saint Peter, Until Next Year!

Part Two ~ to read part one, click hereSaint Peter's Fiesta Greasy Pole Gloucester harbor©Kim Smith 2014 -3The ride to the platform was thrilling, and a little terrifying, as I wasn’t exactly sure how my not-waterproof camera gear would fare.Saint Peter's Fiesta Greasy Pole ©Kim Smith 2014 Saint Peter's Fiesta Greay Pole ©Kim Smith 2014 -4Saint Peter's Fiesta Greay Pole ©Kim Smith 2014 -2 After the pole walkers disembarked, the skipper kindly gave me a ride to shore to continue filming from Pavilion Beach. Saint Peter's Fiesta Greasy Pole Pavilion Beach ©Kim Smith 2014 The Walks began under windy conditions and the tide was low, as it had been all weekend, which made for a very, very long drop when the guys hit the water. Saint Peter's Fiesta Greay Pole Mark Allen ©Kim Smith 2014

Mark Allen

Congratulations to Mark Allen for winning the Sunday 2014 Greasy Pole title. Congratulation to Sunday’s Senior Seine Boat champions, the Wharf Rats, and junior champions, Bad Intentions! Saint Peter's Fiesta ©Kim Smith 2014.-2Festivities continued throughout the night with the awards ceremony and live music. Around 11pm, after the late night carnival crowd had dispersed, a beautiful event began to unfold. From all corners of Gloucester, people gathered around to fill the fair grounds. Saint Peter was again lifted down from the stage and a throng of hundreds lined the square to carry the statue around the Fort. With much cheering and jubilation, Saint Peter and his followers were welcomed throughout the neighborhood. Midway during the route, the procession paused and confetti rained down on all. Rounding the bend, a fabulous fireworks display had been organized for the crowd. Sparkles shot all around, and I stayed close to my friends Nina and Frank as we reveled in the sheer beauty of it all. The fireworks concluded and the procession continued, with the sight of Gloucester’s exquisite port illuminated by the nights’ light. Arriving at Saint Peter’s Club, another shower of confetti greeted Saint Peter. The statue was carefully removed from the carrying stand and placed back in the window of the Saint Peter’s Club. 

Saint Peter's Fiesta  St. Peter's Club ©Kim Smith 2014Good Night Saint Peter, Until Next Year!

Thank you to the beautiful Nina and Frank Groppo and their friends and family for always welcoming me with their open arms. Thank you to the beautiful Giambanco family for welcoming us all to their home for their fabulous Sunday Fiesta Feast and Fun! See Part One Here