Harborlight-Stoneridge Montessori School Students Get A Little Lobster Edumacation Here At The Dock

Hi Joey!
Thank you so much for being willing to entertain 26 students from the Harborlight-Stoneridge Montessori School this afternoon!  The two-week summer session that they’ve been participating in has followed the theme of "Marine Biology and Maritime History."  They have been incredibly fortunate to spend most days on the water engaged in a variety of hands-on activities.  Today they had to opportunity to explore Gloucester Harbor to learn about the rich fishing industry and to see up close the large variety of vessels that call Gloucester their home. 
Last week was spent learning about plankton, mollusks, echinoderms, fish, and crustaceans while conducting research at sea.  After having hauled traps and having learned about lobsters, it was important to me that they see "what happens next."  I really wanted the students to see a working waterfront and you very kindly supplied that opportunity!  As expected, you were incredibly patient with their questions and able to hold their attention while refining their knowledge.  They felt at ease with you right away and would have gladly stayed for hours had they the chance.
Not only do you now have 26 new FOBs, you’ve also helped this group of children better appreciate an industry that has been incredibly foreign to many of them.  To quote one of your new friends as he boarded the bus to head home, "That place is so cool!" 
Thanks so much!
Nichole Schrafft


“Top Secret Science” at St. Ann School

On Friday Feb. 2, Michael Bergen of “Top Secret Science and Math” came to do some activities with the students of St. Ann School.  I’m not sure who had more fun, he or the kids!  I stopped in to take some photos and to see what he would do (I love hands-on science stuff…).  I couldn’t stay long, but I got some shots that show how much fun everyone was having – the kids making rubber balls from water and powdery crystals, and Michael Bergen throwing fire from his hands…



Fr. Matthew Green

“Let the Music Take You!” Photos and video of the student concert at St. Ann School

On Thursday, May 31, St. Ann School had it’s “Celebration of Art”, which included both a show of visual artwork produced by the students (which I covered yesterday) and a concert in which all the students participated. Here are some photos and video!

Some excerpts:

Some students waiting for their turn…

Several students also read essays they had written about what the American flag means to them.

The patriotic grand finale:

For all my photos of the event, in a slideshow, click here!

-Fr. Matthew Green