Perfect! Toodeloos! is perfect sponsor for The Princess Bride HarborWalk summer cinema tonight

Toodeloos! and Island Art and Hobby at 142 Main Street is year round fun. They’ve consolidated two long standing creative and well curated independent local stores together into one space: both a fabulous local toy store and a professional art supply shop.


Toodeloos! is between the Birdseye and Winslow Homer HarborWalk story moment markers, and a short jaunt to the summer cinema at I4C2.

gentleman reading the Winslow Homer plaque on the HarborWalk trail today, Gloucester MA

James Owen Calderwood and Cape Ann Art Haven murals are such a great pass through on Parsons between Main and Rogers (across the street from Toodeloos!)

And from the HarborWalk marker at St. Peter’s park, it’s easy to check out the new murals by Danny Diamond at Cape Ann Brewery 11 Rogers Street!


HarborWalk Summer Cinema 2017 poster


Sizing up more details

June 17, 2017 stage review — preparation continues.

IMG_20170617_151615 (1)


(and how it looked June 8, 2017)


St. Peter’s Fiesta 2017 poster with traditions and…Ravioli eating contest! Cape Ann Big Band! The volunteers are so amazing and on top of things; see next year’s dates printed along the bottom margin of  the poster.


Harbor Walk Meeting Today Aug 2 4:30 at St. Peter’s Park

Melissa Cox writes-

Today Aug 2nd at 4:30 there is a meeting on the Harbor Walk at Cape Ann Brewing. This meeting is for anyone interested in more information about the Harbor Walk. We encourage lobstermen to attend because this will directly effect your working waterfront. We need your input. If you are unable to attend please ask someone to attend for you or send me questions and I’ll ask them on your behalf. Include your name with your questions and/or concerns. Thank you, Melissa Cox