It’s that time of year, where you’ll be walking in the woods or along a pond’s edge, when you come across a treasure trove of spiderwebs. Nearly every tree and shrub are dressed in gossamer woven webs of silk. The best time to find the spider’s trap is just after a spell of fog.

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave

Photos from a foggy morning walk along the berm between Niles Pond and Brace Cove this morning.

Spider's Web Niles pond -2 ©Kim Smith 2014

The shoreline draped in gossamer nets–the world according to spiders.

Spider's Web Niles pond -3 ©Kim Smith 2014

Spider's Web Niles pond -4 ©Kim Smith 2014

Spider's Web Niles Pond Gloucester ©Kim Smith 2014JPGSong Sparrow Niles Pond Gloucester ©Kim Smith 2014Song Sparrow

Rosa rugosa Nile pond ©Kim Smith 2014

Rosa rugosa

See more photos here.

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