My son and I are laughing because as I was posting this, Charlotte was drawing at her little desk across the room, looked up at what I was doing and stated, “That’s a Painted Lady on a sunflower.” It’s amazing what little sponges are two year olds

Painted Lady and Bee


Dear Friends,

Please join me April 6th at 7pm, at the Sawyer Free Library where I will be giving my Pollinator Garden talk and screening several short films. The event is free and open to the public. I am looking forward to presenting this program at our wonderful Sawyer Free and hope to see you there!!

Thank you to Diana Cummings at the Sawyer Free Library for making the lovely poster!


Echinacea and Bee

A Splash of Color for Winter Weary Eyes!

Cosmos ©Kim Smith 2014Cosmos bipinatus

In preparation for the upcoming season of programs that I give, which are centered around designing gardens to support pollinators, one of my jobs is to refresh and update the photos that are an integral part of the presentation. This past month I have been immersed in colorful images and tomorrow I am giving my new monarch butterfly presentation at (the other) Cape. Here are some of the outtakes from my pollinator habitat programs for our winter weary eyes.

For more information about programs and upcoming events, please visit my website at

Luna Moth Phlox David

 Phlox and Luna Moth

©Kim Smith 2015

Sunflower and Joe-pye  ©Kim Smith 2014

Sunflower and Joe-pye Weed

Goleta Monarch Butterfly Santa Barbara California Cape Honeysuckle ©Kim Smith 2015.

Monarch Butterfly and Cape Honeysuckle, Goleta California

Cosmos -1 Donovan Field ©Kim Smith 2013

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave

Photos from a foggy morning walk along the berm between Niles Pond and Brace Cove this morning.

Spider's Web Niles pond -2 ©Kim Smith 2014

The shoreline draped in gossamer nets–the world according to spiders.

Spider's Web Niles pond -3 ©Kim Smith 2014

Spider's Web Niles pond -4 ©Kim Smith 2014

Spider's Web Niles Pond Gloucester ©Kim Smith 2014JPGSong Sparrow Niles Pond Gloucester ©Kim Smith 2014Song Sparrow

Rosa rugosa Nile pond ©Kim Smith 2014

Rosa rugosa

See more photos here.

Continue reading “Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave”


The lengths I go to to provide content for my faithful blog readers. These little buzzing piranhas where swarming all around me while trying to get these up close and personal bee pollinating pics.

Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

The Bean and Her Sleeping Pet Bee

The Mrs caught a bee on the porch and put it in a container for the Bean.  Well wouldn’t you know that bee died fell asleep.  He’s been taking a long nap and The Bean has been carrying him around everywhere talking to him.  I guess the folks at the Post Office think she’s a little strange, lol.