Pussy Venom

All time great Roller Derby name.  Coming later today-  mascot wars video with Dragomir Pisimov, The Wicked Pissahs Birty Bird and a mascot dance off with Vulvatron 5000.

To Check out the Boston Derby Dames website click this text and join the fun

For now enjoy a few more Boston Derby Dame Pics-

Pussy Venom, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Shelby Shattered From The Boston Derby Dames Boston Massacre

Shelby Shattered, resident of Essex talks post bout about Roller Derby.

Click this text for a bout recap including photos from yours truly. 

Click This Text For The Shelby Shattered Bio Page

Other Derby Interviews-

Krush Puppy

Jennasaurus Wrecks

Harlot Fevah

Trixie Von Toxic

Floral Derangement


Connie Rotten and Floral Derangement Of The Wicked Pissahs

As the regular readers of GMG can attest, I’ve become a huge fan of Roller Derby.  The shit is C R A Z Y!!!!!!!  How I found out about it was through East Gloucester residents and Local Blogger Jon Conant. Jon is married to the lovely Krush Puppy, a jammer for the Boston Massacre.  Her interview will be coming up.  You can check out his site by clicking this text

Here’s Krush Puppy from East Gloucester and Shelby Shattered From Essex spending some quality time in the penalty box-
Here’s Pinchy McMasshole the Boston Massacre mascot looking dejected while The Charm City Roller Girls mascots (hotdogs) prance around.

Shelby Shattered Sporting Pig Tails and Some Serious Ink!

Shelby Shattered sports some serious ink on her right arm. Shelby really seemed to set the pace during the bout. From my limited experience as a fan of the sport it looked like the Boston Massacre had a mental edge in knowing how to set the pace. It isn’t all about flying around the track as fast as you can.

I forgot to ask Shelby where she had her tattoo done.  The cloroing was strong.

Shelby Shattered and Krush Puppy In The Penalty Box

Shelby Shattered and Krush Puppy spend some quality time diiscussing the finer points of maiming and punishing while taking a break in the penalty box for an infraction during The Boston Massaccre/Maine Port Authority Bout.  Both of these hard core derby competitors hail from The North Shore.  Represent!