Gloucester Schooner Festival awarded four scholarships to Cape Ann organizations who foster greater knowledge and appreciation of Cape Ann’s coastal waters

On Tuesday, December 3rd at Maritime Gloucester, the Gloucester Schooner Festival awarded four scholarships to Cape Ann organizations who foster greater knowledge and appreciation of Cape Ann’s coastal waters by providing opportunities for young people to sail, row or otherwise become immersed in our ocean environment. The 2013 Gloucester Schooner Festival Awards were given to adults and student representatives from GHS Sailing, Cape Ann YMCA, the Gloucester Museum School and Sea Scout Ship 5. Checks for $1,000 were presented to each organization. The grants are made available through the generosity of the corporate sponsors of the Schooner Festival, as well as raffle and merchandise sales.

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The picture include the following individuals from left to right

Tom Balf, Maritime Gloucester,

Patti Paige, GHS Sailing
Amanda Madeira, North Shore Sea Scouts Ship 5

Jo-Anne Crawford, Gloucester Museum School/Project Adventure

Katy Coffey, YMCA Sailing

Daisy Nell, Gloucester Schooner Festival