Origami sea life

Guess who got a book on origami sea creatures for Christmas? Appropriate for someone living in a fishing port. I got folding right away.

Blue shark, designed by John Montroll, folded by me from 10" kami.
"Venus's comb" murex shell, designed by Robert Lang, folded by me from 10" kami.

These are both “first tries” for me with these models; I hope to do them better justice later using more specialized paper and wet-folding techniques.

The book, “Sea Creatures in Origami” by Robert Land and John Montroll, is one of two books on this topic by these authors. Lang and Montroll are master origami designers and have published many books, so the models are great and the diagrams are very clear – and they include some informative notes on species represented.


Matt Cooney Aboard The lobsterboat Miss Merideth brought in this sponge that he caught while hauling his lobster gear.

Now if that isn’t a cousin of Spongebob Squarepants I don’t know what is.

Spongebob, originally uploaded by captjoe06.