Friends of the Sawyer Free Library | Spring and summer reading! Our book nook shop …

April news from the Friends of the Sawyer Free Library:

Friends of the Sawyer Free Library book nook, Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Public Library Dale Avenue Gloucester, MA

Gail McCarthy highlights Cape Ann Reads and Cape Ann Art Haven in Gloucester Daily Times

in the news- Gail McCarthy highlights two family fun events in today’s Gloucester Daily Times

Friday – The annual Cape Ann Art Haven buoy auction is tomorrow night at Cruiseport!

Saturday – The upcoming Cape Ann Reads celebration at Gloucester City Hall is Saturday January 27 from noon to four. Gail’s article includes interviews with the four Library Directors and Mayor Romeo Theken. The color photograph that’s reproduced is a stunning drawing by Kim Smith from one of her children’s picture books, Beauty on the Wing. There’s also a photograph from Alice Gardner’s drawing installation at The Book Store for her published book St. Peter’s Fiesta.  Here’s the link to the article and a clever title design: All Booked Up: Community Reception and Fair Celebrate literature and art for Children by Gail McCarthy, Gloucester Daily Times

All Booked Up spotlight Cape Ann Reads Celebration by Gail McCarthy for Gloucester Daily times January 25 2018.jpg

Continue reading “Gail McCarthy highlights Cape Ann Reads and Cape Ann Art Haven in Gloucester Daily Times”

Help Name the new Cape Ann Reads mascot extended

No, Paul did not say ‘Rubber Duck’s friend’

The seagull with spectacles is a logo designed by Ashley Curcuru, member of the Teen Artist Guild (TAG) at The Hive Cape Ann Art Haven in downtown Gloucester. The bird needs a name! Have some fun, jot down a suggestion and give it to your local librarian. And please ask your kids to drop off their ideas, too. I see Paul Morrison has tossed in an entry on the Sawyer Free Facebook page…

Kudos to Valerie Marino for the library’s social media and that cute desk display.

Cape Ann Reads is a dynamite year of FREE programs designed around the world of children’s books. There’s something happening every month,thanks to the four public libraries and community partners. Upcoming for Cape Ann Reads  is a major double-header on Saturday, April 16th, with Anita Silvey, a big force in the world of children’s publishing and promotion. Make your reservations soon as the programs are popular!

Continue reading “Help Name the new Cape Ann Reads mascot extended”