Holy cow! Green flash! Then I took the photo.

Sunday, 5:45AM Don’t see that every day. First time for me. I really need a second hand and Siri needs to tell me exactly when the sun rises. 5:46 does not cut it. Shot this between 5:45 AM and 5:46 AM. It has a greenish tint but it was really green about a third of a second before. Kool-Aid Lime green. Stella was not impressed.


Great Eastern heading north about 12 miles east had a good view.


First Sunrise and Moonrise after the Winter Solstice

The day length today is exactly the same as yesterday. But tomorrow the day will be four seconds longer! Then comes summer.

This morning the waning crescent of the moon was a hands breadth above the horizon before the sun peeked out above the Rockport Breakwater.

Did anyone else leap out of bed at 12:30 AM when solstice occurred?  A huge clap of thunder woke me up then it really started pouring. So surprised to see the stars out when I got up that I had to go take a shot of sunrise.

This Morning Saturday Sunrise

This morning’s sunrise. Samo samo.

But wait, here comes a sailboat heading north to Maine. Hurry up, the sunrise is going.

I tried to get the dog and Rubber Duck in the foreground but they were having none of it. There was a puddle on the rock I needed them to stand on and they thought alligators would jump out of the water and eat them. Babies.

Use this link to find out where your sunrise is going to be. Click the box “sunrise” near the bottom and then just double click until you are in your backyard.


Andrew’s Point Sunrise.

I’m going to try to post photos and stories of things that I have seen in the past few days but for a week or so I might have to cheat and use some older stuff:

Andrew’s Point at sunrise on September 27:


I liked this one because of the pink cloud a third of the way up above the sun. Doesn’t it look like a lobster?  This pic is also a test of how this site handles large photos. This one was trimmed to just under a megabyte which hopefully resides behind the thumbnail with a click of the mouse.

That’s all for this cub reporter today since as I drove to work today in my truck munching on my breakfast sandwich I think I threw a rod. (Can I have a pound of whatever you’re grinding there?) 160 thousand might be the last mile on that puppy. The Ford Focus rental is kind of snazzy.