Rubber Duck visits Rockport Arts Association at Halftime

Rubber Duck figured Brady had the Bills in hand so we went down to the Rockport Arts Association New Member’s Show at the half. Free wine and cheese? No brainer. A lot of amazing stuff. Every time I walk through the RAA I am blown away by the art on the walls. You can smell the waves, the beach, the waves crashing, the sails snapping in the wind, or the cat sleeping on a wicker chair. (That cat was a water color that has to be seen in person to be appreciated.)

So Michael Foley is someone I have been following on Facebook because he takes Cape Ann granite and carves it like butter. Because he is joining the Cape Ann Artisans Tour he is already earmarked for the Rubber Duck visiting his studio in the spring to find out how he does it.Michael is to the right of the Rubber Duck who is appreciating the granite.  New Member Show until December 6th. The Rockport Art Association will be filled with gifts for that really hard to cover loved one all the way through Christmas.

As for Brady and the Pats they were just jerking us around making it a nail biter down to the last 20 seconds. Did Vince Willfork want to bite the head off of someone?