Community Stuff 7/27/13

Reid R. Sacco lost his two-year fight with sarcoma in 2005 at the age of 20.  Reid learned first-hand of the tragic disparities faced by adolescents and young adults (AYA’s) diagnosed with cancer, particularly in the areas of age-appropriate care, access to clinical trials and survival rates.   Reid inspired many during his cancer journey with his courage, perseverance, selflessness and contagious optimism and laughter.   An avid sailor, Reid looked at his cancer journey like a voyage at sea and was unwilling to let the relentless storm of treatments and setbacks keep him from enjoying every minute of his life that he loved with family and friends.

Reid’s Ride began by Reid parents, family and friends, is the main fund-raising event for the Reid Sacco Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Fund.  That fund is dedicated to supporting clinical and scientific research into finding better treatments — and someday a cure — for the cancers that strike adolescents and young adults.  It is acknowledged by the medical community worldwide that this population of cancer victims has not benefitted from the advances in cancer treatment and survival rates as have other age groups.  It is a gap into which Reid and young adult cancer patients like him found themselves, willing to fight but without an army of options to help.

Most recently, the proceeds from Reid’s Ride have enabled Tufts Medical Center to launch the Reid R. Sacco AYA Program, including the Reid R. Sacco Adolescent & Young Adult Clinic for Cancer and Blood Diseases, located at the Tufts Cancer Center in Boston.

"Life is like sailing.  Change can come upon you suddenly.  But just because you sometimes have to alter your course, it doesn’t mean you have to stop sailing." – Reid R. Sacco, 2003

Dream Repeater: Toys Falling
IlaSahai Prouty and company

Flatrocks Gallery is pleased to present Dream Repeater: Toys Falling, a group show curated by IlaSahai Prouty. The opening reception is Saturday, August 3, from 7-9 pm. It will be followed by an evening of  poetry and stories on Saturday August 10th at 7pm.


In her on-going project Dream Repeater, Prouty creates artworks in various media based on bits of collected dream narratives. For this show, she has invited other artists to join her.

Prouty’s work deals with the ways repetition can intensify and expand meaning. “I’m exploring how a short snippet of a dream, essentially a short story, can grow to become something larger and more mythic.”


Last summer, Prouty’s Dream Repeater work, “Goldilocks, Save the World,” was installed at the Cape Ann Museum’s White Ellery House. This year, she returns to her home town to present a collection of works based on a dream called Toys Falling. “I have been working with these dreams myself, and I wanted to expand the project – to see where others might take the dreams, and how they look through other peoples eyes.”


Each artist in this show agreed to create work in response to the dream text. The show will include sculpture, painting, encaustic, illustration, mixed media, poetry, video, printmaking, quilting, and story telling.


Participating Artists are: IlaSahai Prouty, Caroline Bagenal, Rocky Delforge, Adriane Herman, Bo Hyung Lee, Vicki Paret, Doris Prouty, Hans Pundt, Sarah Slifer Swift, Stephanie Williams, Heather Atwood, Emily Wheeler, Tim Averill, and Peter Hickman.


IlaSahai Prouty grew up in Lanesville, Massachusetts. She is a former chair of the Art Department at the Waring School in Beverly, Mass., and considers herself an artist with Cape Ann roots. She has an MFA from the California College of Art in San Francisco, California., and is currently Resident Artist at the Penland School of Crafts in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Prouty is also an Assistant Professor at nearby Appalachian State University.
Flatrocks Gallery is located at 77 Langsford Street/Route 127 in Gloucester, MA. Hours are 12-5pm, Thursday through Sunday, and by appointment. The gallery is focused on continuing the long tradition of artists in Lanesville, and is committed to offering works of art to the community that challenge and engage.

Choreographer/Dancer : Sarah Slifer Swiftsarasliffer

                           Mixed Media Sculpture:Hans Pundt

hans clock

Franklin Desk

2012 Reid’s Ride Photos From Tina Ketchopolos

Joey:  Here are some photos from Reid’s Ride in memory of Reid Sacco that took place yesterday from Lynnfield ending at Stage Fort Park in Gloucester.

Reid’s parents Gene and Lorraine Sacco of Lynnfield began this event in memory of their son Reid R. Sacco.  They are an incredible parents with lots of support from wonderful family members and friends.

The ride is a 28-mile Bike-a-thon , a fun and rewarding way to support clinical and scientific research into finding more  treatments — and someday a cure — for the cancers that predominantly strike adolescents and young adults. Cyclists of all ages and abilities pedal their way from Lynnfield to Cape Ann in what is the primary fund-raising event for the Reid Sacco Memorial Foundation.  The event registration fees, sponsorships and donations benefit the Reid Sacco Memorial Cancer Research Fund, and this fund supports clinical and research programs in the area of young adult cancers. The Foundation’s mission is to improve the outlook for this population of cancer patients, a population that has been tragically underserved by recent advances in cancer treatment.

Sacco was born July 24, 1984, which is intentionally close to the ride date. Sacco’s goal was to ride in a bike-a-thon to prevent young adult cancer, but cancer took his life before he achieved that desire. He died June 16, 2005 at the age of 20.   Reid was enrolled at Columbia University to study Chemical Engineering

In late June 2012, the Reid R. Sacco AYA Program at Tufts Medical Center was announced – the program includes the establishment this summer of the Reid R. Sacco Adolescent & Young Adults Clinic for Cancer and Blood Diseases, as well as the establishment of the Reid R. Sacco AYA Fund to support educational initiatives at Tufts.   This extraordinary achievement was made possible by your participation in Reid’s Ride over the years.

This year’s Reid Rice raised over $100,000. with donations still coming in!