The eight quilts that you see here were created by Senior Citizens in the art program at The Rose Baker Senior Center. It is our goal to create a celebration quilt for each of Gloucester’s sixteen neighborhoods. This is a huge challenge; but it is also very rewarding, and a great deal of collaborative fun. We invite—indeed we are hoping for…additional public participation. All ages, come and work with us! You will have the happy satisfaction of seeing your creative ideas come to life. Can’t draw a straight line? No problem! Have an idea but not sure how to share it? We will help. You shall succeed, and that’s a promise! We welcome your participation!

Almost without exception, the Senior Citizens involved in this project have had little, if any, formal art training or experience. Their remarkable work bears testimony to the truth that the gift of creativity resides within us all.

Juni Van Dyke

Art Program Director at The Rose Baker Senior Center

*Our thanks to the library for affording us this exhibition space, and to the Gloucester Cultural Council for their generous grant which made it possible for us to purchase the linen used in backing each quilt.

Neighborhood Quilts From Ann Kennedy

Saw the 8 marvelous quilts hanging in the Sawyer Free Library… each representing the special ethos and heritage of a Gloucester neighborhood.  My photos do not do justice, but all 8 quilts are really delightful!  As one who loves to walk Gloucester, they are really a treat and so representative of community pride.
