Rate This Press Release

Samuel Ina sent me this photo-

In the subject line of the email-

“Acrylic painting”

photo (2)

I replied-

sam is there something you wanted to say about this particular painting?

To which Sam sent this incredibly informative press release-

Yes    Giclees available for sale from June thru Oct.   Thank You  Sam

Alrighty then.

So click on the title of this post and under the post you will see the rating star system.  Vote one star for the worst press release you’ve ever seen and vote 5 stars for the most brilliant descriptive effective press release you’ve ever seen.

I may lose my shit if I get another 3-4 Press releases per week from the same organizations over and over and over and over again

I like helping get the word out about all the cool stuff happening all over town really I do.

You know what I’m not a fan of?

Community organizations that send you thirty press releases from every member of their organization asking you to pimp the same event.

You gotta get your shit together people.  I can’t even imagine how the community editors of local newspapers handle these organizations after they’ve been doing it for 20 years.  I’d likely go postal, LOL

You have to talk to each other and have one point person who gets out your press releases and if you have two or three different events going on at your joint over the course of the week, combine the press releases into one email so we can put it all up there for you all at once and be done with it.

Think about the editor who isn’t just handling your press release, they are handling every other press release from every other organization in the city.

There are far more organizations that get it right but there are a select few that manage to hammer the crap out of news organizations multiple times a week and inevitably those same people are the ones who rarely send out a correct first release.  Inevitably there will be a follow up email asking you to make changes or changes to the revised copy they sent you the second go around.

ARGHHHHHH!!!!  Seriously You’re better than that!

PR For Gloucester- Taking Control Of Our Image

Bob Hastings Executive Director of The Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce and Tracey Muller from the Bass Rocks Ocean Inn interview in which they explain a new public relations campaign started by a grass roots group of Gloucester business people.

Click here for the HD version if you have a fast internet connection