Gauthier Gallery Grand Opening

Last Sunday, I stopped by the Gauthier Gallery grand opening on Main Street.

I had visited (and posted about) the Gauthier Gallery before, so it was nice to see how things have been coming together.  Most of the artists involved were there:

There is a great selection of art there right now! Here are some sample shots:

It’s not just paintings; there are elaborately decorated boxes…

Painted wooden trunks…

… and colorful scarfs:

Elizabeth Gauthier has started a new activity at her gallery: painting parties!  From her website:

The-Painting-Party offers an upbeat evening of painting and socializing for both the artistic and the not so artistically inclined. You will be guided through step by step instructions by an accomplished art instructor. It’s fun and totally stress free.

And by the end of the night you will be amazed at the work of art that YOU created. You will go home with a painting that is uniquely yours – and perhaps a new found talent you’ll want to nurture!

She has a schedule on her website.

Fr. Matthew Green