Fishcutters From Salem, Lynn and Lawrence at Whole Foods

Some will say that we need wastewater pre-treatment so that there can be more fish processing in Gloucester. We already have some of the highest water and sewer rates in the nation, and we don’t have local people working in the few fish processing jobs that are left around town but these people are calling for another wastewater pre-treatment facility. -Bananaheads!

Park your car at Saint Peter’s Parking lot at 6:00AM and watch the bus loads of hard working Cambodians, Thai, and Vietnamese that file out of the white buses to work at the few places around town that still process fish.

Here’s a hint- they aren’t from here. Not that there is anything at all wrong with hiring these hard working folks. They are honest, hard working and show up.

We used to hire great Honduran help when we still had employees. They were the best workers we ever had.
The point is that when people try to say that we have to have the whole harbor saved for fish processing as if it’s ever going to be one tenth of what it was in the boom times, those few jobs wouldn’t be filled with Gloucester folks, it will just be more buses from Lynn, Salem and Lawrence. God Bless Em.

The Not-So-Working Waterfront

When I was a kid this place used to be humming with activity.   Hundreds of Gloucester people packing whiting, and shrimp in season.  Now in the heart of the summer it looks like a dead zone.

The Not-So-Working Waterfront, originally uploaded by captjoe06.