New Year’s Plunge Rubber Duck Style

Rubber Duck had some sand kicked in her face her last year so she is bringing her big brother to the New Year’s Plunge.

If you’re lost, here’s a map to the beach. The plunge is at 11AM. The A01 buoy is recording the exact same temp as last year, 46F.


There is actually a hole in the middle of big brother duck which is the exact size of Paul’s ass. Don’t be late as someone might blow a seal. No glass or sharp objects allowed on the beach near inflated rubber ducks.

Joey C. Emerges Victorious

Painting by E.J. Lefavour

This is an artistic portrayal of our fearless top dog GMG leader of the pack emerging victorious from his frigid Rocky Neck plunge into the icy water – smiling with head and tail held high.
I do plan to be there without my bathing suit and with my camera to catch some shots of how he and everyone really looks during and after their New Year’s Day plunge.  It looks like Paul’s deal with the kidnapped Santa might actually pay off – the forecast is for sunny,  almost balmy weather.  Unfortunately, that won’t make the water any warmer.

E.J. Lefavour