Winter Classic

If you’ve read any of what I’ve written since joining GMG, you probably know that my boys play a lot of hockey and it is a big part of their childhoods as well as our lives.

School vacation week was certainly no different.  Thatcher’s team was entered into a four-day tournament sponsored by the Boston Bruins.  While they ultimately did not win the tournament, they were one of the finalists, and for that they were handsomely rewarded.  Medals, hats, backpacks, team photos, etc….and then, the awesome icing on the cake, tickets for the entire team, coaches, and one parent per child to the coveted Winter Classic.

Not only did they score tickets, but they were given front row seats. Granted, being only 8-years old and a bit vertically challenged, they had a difficult time seeing the action take place way out in the center of the Pat’s playing field….but awesome seats nonetheless.

Kudos to the Boston Bruins for once again rewarding these young, budding athletes and helping to create memories to last a lifetime.

Hockey Mite Madness!

You’ve all probably heard (or read) me wax poetically about my love for our Cape Ann Youth Hockey coaches.  Well, here’s your chance to check it out for yourself. If your child has a 2007 or 2008 birthdate, has the appropriate skating experience (see below) and is interested in playing for CAYH’s Travel Mite Program, register now for Mite Madness!  The skaters will participate in a skills session with Gloucester High School players while parents have the chance to hear about what the Travel Mites are all about.

To Register, Click Here!

Mite Madness

 Skate & Information Session

Talbot Rink 

  • Roger Grillo, the USA Hockey Regional Manager, will discuss the ADM player development model and have an open discussion with parents and other attendees.
  • Pre-Registration is required.
  • Players must have participated in CAYH Cross-Ice, In House, or Mite Hybrid in 2014-15 (or an equivalent program) to register.  Skaters who have participated in Learn to Skate for at least 2 seasons and who have progressed to the “Learn to Play” sections are also candidates are also candidates for this evaluation.  Players must have a valid USA hockey number in order to participate in the on ice skate session.
