Not your average college dean ~ listen up tomorrow at 9am on 104.9FM

In case you missed this post, Next Thursday (10/25) is the 2012-13 Berklee in Gloucester season kickoff at The Gloucester House featuring the Jim Odgren Quintet, who are helping raise money to send a Gloucester student to Berklee.  You may remember that this is the brainchild of Berklee’s Dean of Performance, Matt Marvuglio.  Now, when you read the word Dean, what do envision?  Bet it’s not the guy playing the flute solo at about 2 minutes into this video (Jim Odgren is on alto sax in this video too).

Here’s another video of Matt at The Gloucester House on March 30 with Berklee professor Ed Saindon on vibes and students Nori Shiota on bass and Jazz Robertson on drums.

Matt told me he’s planning to come to the concert on Thursday.  Perhaps we can convince him to sit in.

How cool is it that you can see the top professors, students — even the dean — of the best music school in the world right here in your own backyard!  Well, Aurelia Nelson, host of the show Curtain Up on North Shore 104.9 thinks it’s pretty cool, so she asked me to join her for tomorrow’s show to talk a little about it.  So tune in to 104.9FM tomorrow at 9AM.

But before all that, you’ve got 13 venues with live music to choose from tonight — perfect number for a beautiful October Saturday!  See the complete live music listing here.