Failed Gloucester Landing Proposal at I4 C2

Compare the public access we would have had instead of the fenced off field of weeds that is there now.   Could you imagine the farmers market in this courtyard, how awesome that would be?  With the parking for it tucked away underneath?  All built with private dollars and not taxpayers, but instead increasing our tall rolls?

God for-freakin-bid!

Gloucester Landing Proposal

The proposal included a right of way for fishermen to get to the waterfront and the dockage to be maintained for the fleet, not pleasure boats.  It also would have had all under deck parking for downtown and a linkage that currently isn’t all that strong with the buildings on Rogers street being an afterthought.  To see it larger and in greater detail click the pic and select “all sizes”

Gloucester Landing Proposal, originally uploaded by captjoe06.