An Ipswich home we love is on a magazine cover: Rogers and Brown (Nathaniel Rust) house owned by American folk artist, Johanne Cassia, Olde Ipswich Shop and Gallery proprietor

On the cover of A Primitive Place Christmas Issue 2020 magazine to be released November 15th is the historic home of Johanne Cassia and Frank Wiedenmann, Ipswich, Massachusetts, the Rogers and Brown (Nathaniel Rust) House (1665-1723). To preorder this magazine or any of the back issues, please visit their website at

American folk artist and proprietor, Johanne Cassia runs her teaching studio, shop, and gallery, Olde Ipswich Shop & Gallery: Gifts and American Folk Art, from the barn, 83 County Road (Routes 1A and 133), Ipswich, Massachusetts. Cassia’s fine art, home, and painting classes have been featured on WCVB-TV and in publications such as Country Sampler Magazine; North Shore Life; and North Shore Living and Folk Magazine. She garnered recognition from Essex National Heritage for her participation in Women Owned Businesses on the Essex Coastal Scenic Byway.

Best Of North Shore (BONS) Magazine Kids Category Local Picks

Ok I’ve guided you on who is nominated locally in the Play Category and Eat Category, see those posts by clicking those links.  If you notice, the influence from our local readership has many many Gloucester establishments in the lead.  Two that could use help are votes for Good Harbor as Beach and St Peter’s fiesta for Fair/Festival vote for those here

Now we focus on local establishments nominated in the Kids category. you can click on any of the hyperlinks to view past Good Morning Gloucester Coverage on each of these fine local establishments.


Click here to submit your votes in the BONS Kids category

Baby Clothing-  There is nothing locally nominated but I think we could change that with a write in under other for Kids Unlimited, downtown Gloucester children’s clothing store extraordinaire.  As of this writing 0 votes, not nominated

Family Hangout Indoor- Monkey Joe’s should win this by a mile even though it isn’t nominated (yet) As of this writing 0 votes, not nominated

Family Hangout Outdoor- No Local Nomination.  You could write in Ravenswood or Halibut Point State Park  My Vote- Halibut Point As of this writing 0 votes, not nominated

Kid Friendly Dining-  No Local Nomination But I would write in Giuseppe’s or Lobster Pool’s Outdoor Eat In The Rough with the Smore Firepit and Sunsets As of this writing 0 votes, not nominated

Kid’s bookstore- The Bookstore of Gloucester As of this writing 0 votes

Kid’s Clothing- Kid’s Unlimited is not as of this writing nominated but I’m suggesting a write in campaign for them As of this writing 0 votes, not nominated

Toy Store- Toodeloos Gloucester As of this writing 25 votes and is not in the lead

When You are done voting in the Kids Category, feel free to vote in the Play and Eat Category and support local businesses




I will highlight local picks in the other BONS category in an upcoming post.  Who  supports local businesses like this here blog?  NOBODY!  Get out the vote peeps!

Video- Vote Gloucester! 2012 American Style Magazine Best Arts Destination


Last year we helped make Gloucester the number 3 Arts Destination In the Country in American Style Magazine.  This is something we already know obviously but really don’t we deserve to be number one?

With your help and vote it helps the entire community by supporting our local artisans and allowing them another feather in their marketing cap to come visit, check out our vibrant art community and leave some cheddar behind Smile

Like the picture they used in the postcard announcing the contest?  You may recognize it as one of mine. Claire Higgins at seARTS did a bang up job with the design.

Anyway lets support our local artists by voting!

Click on the button below to go vote, and thank you for supporting Gloucester and the arts!


I just checked out the contest and it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy. Not to mention you could win five hundred dolla yo!

Let’s Do This!

Here’s the presser from seARTS who with Kristine Fisher and Jackie Ganim DeFalco have been responsible for putting this initiative into play from the beginning.

2012 American Style “Top Arts Destination” Campaign Kicks Off
In 2011 seARTS, working with the arts community, secured the nomination for Cape Ann/Gloucester as a Top 25 Arts Destination by American Style Magazine. Thanks to your votes, we won the #3 spot on the list for small U.S. cities. Voting time is here again, and this year, we want to aim for the #1 spot and increase our visibility as an arts destination.
Securing Gloucester/Cape Ann on this list again this year as one of America’s Top 25 Arts Destinations will elevate Cape Ann on the national stage. We have over 2,000 working artists on Cape Ann and a thriving community that celebrates the arts of all disciplines. After all, our Rocky Neck is the country’s oldest continuous working art colony in the U.S. while Rockport draws visitors all year long!

To achieve this distinction, seARTS is requesting the entire community’s help in spreading the word. This is a city-based ranking, but all of Cape Ann was included in the destination information submitted and the article in the magazine.

There are many ways to help before March 3. Here are some suggestions!
1. Go in right now and vote from your computer, your phone, and your laptop!
2. Put the link and/or icon at the bottom of all your emails in the signature line!
3. Use the promotional postcard jpeg in your literature and emails:
4. Link to the voting icon
5. Blog & Tweet the Survey Link
6. Share with your employees
Having this designation gives all of the cultural organizations and artists and businesses a chance to embed the Award in all their literature and promotion around Cape Ann as a branded arts destination. Please contact seARTS to find out more about how you can do this. 978-281-1222.