It’s time to laugh

Feel like you’re drowning in negative buzz?  Maybe it’s time to laugh. You’ll laugh alright on Saturday night, right down the road in Beverly at 9 Wallis when Loretta LaRoche takes you back to Brooklyn and back in time to the humor of growing up with her Italian family in her hysterical show Love, Laughter, and Lasagna.

You can even eat some lasagna prepared by Beverly’s favorite deli Gloria Food Store before the show to get you in the mood.

You may remember Loretta from her PBS specials (see video below) or inspirational programs at North Shore Music Theatre a few years ago — and those programs were funny. Trust me: Love Laughter and Lasagna is even funnier!  Come on down; you’ll feel better!

SELL OUT WARNING Loretta LaRoche in Beverly Tomorrow Night

As promised, we warn FOBs when a show is about to sell out. Tomorrow’s Loretta LaRoche – Love Laughter and Lasagna (taking you back in time to the humor of growing up with her Italian family in Brooklyn) is selling fast and there are only a few tables left at our new, intimate venue, 9 Wallis in Beverly.  You may have seen Emmy-winning Loretta LaRoche on PBS or during prior tours, but you’ve probably never seen her in an intimate room with comfortable table seating, a delicious Lasagna dinner and bar service!

You don’t want to be one of those people who calls us tomorrow begging for a seat that we can’t give you because there just isn’t any space left, do you?

Here’s Loretta on PBS:

More videos here.