CBS Amazing Race 17 More Insider Scoop and Pics

For all our other CBS Amazing Race 17 Spoiler Coverage Including Video Click Here

Like yesterday clicking on this first pic will give you the super blown up version where you can pan in and the second picture when clicked on will be the same picture but able to be viewed in your browser without going outside of the screen.

click pic for huge picture
click pic for browser sized pic

I’d like to ask if could people not simply copy and paste this entire post onto message boards and instead copy the url of this blog post to share.  Lots of work goes into blogging and at the very least good form is to post a sentence with a link back to a newspaper or blog post saying for the rest of the story go here- http://www dot xyz story dot com

Now for the good stuff, some more insider dish on the process of how they get the contestants to the start of the race!

From what was overheard the contestants are flown in on private chartered jet with the windows blacked out so they have no idea where they are landing.  They are then ushered directly into a bus which has completely blacked out windows and they are not supposed to talk to each other at all.  They got off the bus at The State Fish Pier In Gloucester which is where I started taking video and where they boarded the fishing boats.  With the weather being unseasonably warm they could have easily mistaken Gloucester for a warmer climate port.  You can click on this link to see all the pictures of what takes place at The State Fish Pier in Gloucester

More to come later……

CBS Amazing Race Orange and Pink Team Aboard Gloucester’s Lady J Lobster Boat

I included the full sized pic when you click through on the first picture so you can see the faces.

click the pic for the full sized version

For a picture that will fit on your computer screen but won’t be blown up as large click the pic below

click the pic for a med sized photo

Attention- Bundle Up This Morning!

It’s frickin cold out this morning.  It can be deceiving because it is sunny but believe me when Dave Jewell and all the rest of my fishermen are bundled up like this, you should be too.

Bundle Up!, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

CJ Morgante- Day 2 Aboard The Lady J

Here’s CJ, once again hopping right in to offload the crates of lobsters.

He hasn’t once been afraid to get his hands dirty or dive right into something.  As a matter of fact he was so gung ho the first day he showed up he was helping to grade lobsters and after about an hour I saw his hands were all cut up.  I got him a pair of gloves immediately  but I have a hunch he wouldn’t have said a word about it and just toughed it out.

Great guy.

CJ Morgante- Day Two Aboard The Lady J

If you’ve been following along you know that CJ Morgante, Major League Soccer Referee asked for the real Lobsterman experience. Frank set him up on three different boats to go lobstering in three days. That’s pretty cool if you ask me for a boy from Pennsylvania with no ties to Gloucester to just roll up here and hop aboard the boats and get to it.

Day Two- Aboard The Lady J with Captain Dave Jewell and mate Goulart.

CJ Morgante- Day Two Aboard The Lady J, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Don’t forget to watch The New England Revolution match with DC United on Wednesday night.   CJ will be on the field.

Dave Jewell- Movie Star

First he gets on film in The Proposal taping a couple weeks ago and now The History Channel taping aboard The Lady J.

Hope we don’t lose Dave to the movie industry.

Dave Jewell- Movie Star, originally uploaded by captjoe06.