Time and Tide Opening Reception Masquerade and Illusion Sept 17th


Friend of the Blog Kristina Brendel writes in-

T&T Masquerade

Time & Tide Fine Art, 4 Market Street in Ipswich will hold an Opening Reception for their latest exhibition, Masquerade and Illusion on Friday, September 17 from 7-9 pm.

Time & Tide is teaming up with Time Well Spent to collect books at the reception for More Than Words, a nonprofit social enterprise that empowers youth who are in the foster care system, court involved, homeless, or out of school to take charge of their lives by taking charge of a business. Visit http://mtwyouth.org for more information about More Than Words.
Masquerade and Illusion includes painting, photography, multi-media and sculpture from area artists including Marilyn Swift, John Geesink, Anne Demeter, and Thorpe Feidt. Also included in the show are works by Belarusian painter Vladimir Kontsedailov. (The photograph is a detail from "Masquerade" by Kontsedailov.)

For the night of the reception only, Brian Brogan of The Painted Story (whose studio and gallery is on the third floor of 2 Central Street in Ipswich) will display his work as well. Brogan’s work is primal, shamanistic; showing human’s indigenous spirituality and equality.

"I’m hoping that we will raise a few eyebrows with this exhibition," smiles Kristina Brendel, Time & Tide’s director. "I’d really like to push the expectations of a local gallery past the tried and true into artwork that makes people pause and wonder."

Masquerade and Illusion will be on display at Time & Tide until November 15.

Kristina Brendel Breakwater Photo

Kristina Brendel writes- I shot these last week after stopping by Capt Joe’s so my son (visiting from Arizona) could get the REAL experience. He won’t actually eat seafood, but he and I wanted to shoot some pix around Gloucester.