Gloucester Ride- Main Street To East Gloucester By Way Of Rogers

Filmed using my favorite little cheapie camera the Kodak Playsport Zx3 which just so happens to be waterproof down to 9 feet under as well as able to take 60 frames per second of video (something that most DSLR cameras costing thousands more don’t even have. Mounted to the bed of my pickup using the Kayalu nClamp mount

Banging Out A Lobster Trap Trawl Aboard The Trapper John

Captain Chris Orsillo and Mate Steve Redfern bang out a trawl.
What is very encouraging and a testament to the conservation efforts of the lobster industry is how many short lobsters there are that will be there to be harvested as they grow. You can see how many get thrown back and it is quite a few.

Once again we used the Kayalu saltwater resistant suction RAM mount to secure the $79 Kodak Playsport Zx3 to the window behind the pilot house of the Trapper John.