Mary Kate Canavan’s 9th Grade Honors Class Poem Series-Kacie Quinn

Art isn’t just painting.  There are many ways people create and here I’d like to share some of the poems that Mary Kate Canavan sent in from her GHS 9th Grade Honors Class.

Kacie Quinn

Gloucester crashes
Horizon a glass bottle
Sour scent of fish and pizza
Seagulls cawing; familiar greetings; the sea breeze whistles
Eccentric sorts with carrying personalities; not one just like another
Little sister comes home. I am diagnosed with middle child syndrome
Dog comes into house. She pees on the floor
Trapped in school overnight. No way out. Plus monster.
Huge glasses; tight Just Keep Dancing sweatshirt; carries pencil
If you don’t imagine, nothing happens
Breeze changes with the seasons.
Ocean splashes, crashing violently against rocks.
~Kacie Quinn