Who Remembers Itchy Bones?

or Mopey Joe, or Joe Gorilla, or Billy Ape, or Joe Curley, or Joe Flattop, or Satchmo, or Harpo, or Charlie Skunk or Sleepie?

These are just a few of the nicknames of some Italian Gloucester men. 

Do you know why Italian men have such unique nicknames?  I didn’t until Joseph de Lina Novella “Joe Curley” stopped into the gallery and explained it to me.   When the first male child is born in an Italian family, he is named after the father’s father (his grandfather).  If a girl, she is named after the mother’s mother (her grandmother).  The second born is named after the mother’s father, or mother if a girl.  The 3rd is named again after the father’s father, or mother.  The 4th after the mother’s father, or mother, and on and on for as many children as come into the family.  If a large family, say with 6 boys, you would have 3 sons named Joseph (if that was their grandfather’s name) and as many as 6, if the mother’s father’s name was also Joseph.  Hence the need for creative nicknames to be able to identify which one you were talking about, referring to or calling.

joe curley

Thanks Joe, nice to meet you and interesting bit of information.

E.J. Lefavour