Nicole Dahlmer’s new Etsy shop opens with a bang: photo greeting cards benefit Sierra Club

Check out photographer Nicole Dahlmer’s new series inspired by road trips across America and Iceland along with her Gloucester motifs. She’s created 3 different sets of limited edition photo greeting cards based on new work, and is donating 10% of the proceeds to the Sierra Club.

Gloucester MA fine artist Nicole Dahlmer Iceland



Dahlmer’s is excited to announce that she’s opened an Etsy shop where you can buy her work. She participates in local art fairs and exhibits, and you can find her cards at Pauline’s Gifts.

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About Nicole Dahlmer

Janet Rice Represents! In Iceland

Hi Joey-

I just returned from Iceland. I thought I would share their version of the Gloucester Fisherman Statue which, of course, it is a Viking Ship!

BTW-the new camera is awesome.



Janet bought the camera I just bought for my wife the Sony NEX-5N and is loving it