Motif Monday: Gloucester winter yellows (skies, ocean, sun and homes)

Motif Monday- a photo journal of December yellows, Gloucester, MA

Good Harbor Beach_20181223_winter yellows_ © c ryan




surf winter yellows_Long Beach_Gloucester MA_20181222 © c ryan

Jane Deering Gallery Adin Murray Horizon paintings reception May 20


horizon 3

JDG may adin murray

from the gallery’s press release:

‘In Celtic tradition, there is a belief that heaven and earth are three feet apart — except in “thin places,” where the space between the physical world and the spiritual collapses, and we’re able to glimpse the transcendent, or the infinite, or the divine. The space where the sky and water meet — sometimes gently blurring together, sometimes crisply forming the horizon — is such a place for me. It can be beautiful or foreboding, tumultuous or calm, light or dark, and always it speaks to the universal truth of constant change. Tides flow and ebb, light shifts as the sun tracks across the sky, the atmosphere transforms with the weather and the seasons. The space is powerful, profound, and humbling, yet often in the busyness of life it is overlooked. The aim of these paintings is to present this space alone in all its myriad manifestations, to allow the gaze to focus on the “thin place” that is the horizon.’ — Adin Murray . 2017
Adin Murray was born in 1974 in Manchester, Massachusetts. He received his BA in Art/Biology from Tulane University in 1997, and his MFA in painting from the Savannah College of Art and Design in 2008. In 2008, he had a solo exhibition at the Savannah Hilton Head International Airport, and in 2009, his work was shown at the Woodruff Art Center in Atlanta, the Rymer Gallery in Nashville, and the Pei-Ling Chan Gallery in Savannah. His work has been featured in Faultline, the University of California, Irvine’s literary and art publication, and it also appeared in both Southern Living and North Shore magazines. Murray currently lives and paints on Cape Ann in Massachusetts. This is his third show with the Jane Deering Gallery.
917-902-4359 . .