Thank You from Holidays & Wintertide!

chelsea and friends

4 years ago, during the early Fall, Chelsea Berry and I were trying to come up with a great way to utilize a small chapel in Manchester-by-the-Sea for a performance. The idea was a Christmas show that became known as “Holidays & Wintertide.”

Our 4th annual production was this past Saturday night, and for the first time, the show took place in Gloucester. On behalf of Chelsea Berry, Renee Dupuis, Brian Alex, Joe Cardoza, Dennis Monagle and myself, I would like to say “Thank You, Gloucester and Cape Ann!”

The night was magical, the songs were perfect and the audience was divine, so I would like to take a moment to send out some thank yous:

To Chelsea, Renee, Brian, Joe & Dennis : It was an absolute honor to work with you on this years’ show. I was blown away – as I believe everyone else was. There were moments that literally brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for your professionalism, your kindness, and for sharing your talent and holiday spirit with all of us.

To Dawn Caraway and the Tavern on the Harbor: Thank for saving the day and for your remarkable hospitality in the most beautiful of settings. When we realized our past venue was unavailable, you stepped up and gave us a home, and I hope you will have us back next year. Your room is spectacular, and the acoustics are shockingly crisp… more shows to come.

To Louise Welch: You are my personal and musical Dalai Lama. You do so much for me (and the Cape Ann music community), and we are very fortunate to have you as part of our community. Thank you for always being my production sidekick and making this show such a success.

Thank you to Mark Rahilly for running sound and making the show sound exceptional. To Peter Hoare, who has worked with me on this show from the start, thank you for your production help and sharing your equipment. To Lisa Hubbard, thank you for your magic touch in making the set look so good. And to Joanne Silva, thank you for your continued promotion of my productions and all of the great musical events on Cape Ann. You are another shining jewel in the crown of Gloucester’s music scene.

Lastly, to the people of Gloucester and beyond, thank you for coming out and making the night so special for the performers and for me. This has always been my favorite production of the year, and this year was better than ever. We know you have a lot of choices in live music throughout Cape Ann, and the music community appreciates it when music-lovers come together to support a paid performance. It’s a tough environment out there for professional musicians, but your show of support for events like this reminds performers why they are on this path and doing the thing they love.

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or any other holiday, I hope it is/was merry, healthy and bright

And to all a goodnight.

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Chris Langathianos
Single Tree Music

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