Gloucester Fisherman Tri Trailer from Gallo Productions

Janda Ricci-Munn Forwards Us The Trailer For The Gloucester Fisherman Tri soon to be on sale-

Janda writes-

Here’s the 2010 GFT video teaser for the DVD that Gallo Productions put together!  The DVD will be available for sale shortly with all net proceeds benefiting the GFAA.

We’re already planning for next year’s race.  Bigger and better things to come.  In the mean time, you can reminisce about Sunday!

I’ll be sure to let you all know when and where it will be available

2010 Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon Interviews

Ed Collard Interviews Triathletes and Their Fans

Look for more race pictures from David Cox and Thom Falzarano in the coming days

Gloucester Fisherman Tri Website Features Good Morning Gloucester Coverage


Great work by our team of contributors has landed us on the Home page of The Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon as the go-to source for Gloucester Tri Coverage!

Proud of You Guys!

Click The Logo Above To Go To The Gloucester Tri Website

Click Here For The 2010 Gloucester Tri Results

Gloucester Triathlon Race Video Footage

Commentary by our boy Ed Collard who captured so much of the feel in video

Video of the start and transitions.   Pre and post race interviews with triathletes tomorrow.

It’s Not To Late To Send In Your Picture At The Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon

The thing about GMG is that we are inclusive and feel like the more we can involve contributions from our community the better the site will be for everyone. So if you have a photo of yourself or if someone took a picture of you at the race send it in to and we will make a GMG contributor slide show of your photos. Be sure to include the triathlete’s name!

Here is a submission from yesterday for example-
Stephanie Swanson Writes-
Hi Joey – LOVE your blog!! Here’s a photo of me and my friend Linda – both first time triathletes. We had a blast. I love living in Gloucester!!

Thanks for all you do!!


2010 Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon Pics from David Cox Part I

I couldn’t be prouder of our coverage of The Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon. 

Everyone stepped up to once again bring you the very best coverage of the event all the way from this past winter when we started our interviews with Janda and Judy Destino pumping up the race, Manny getting everyone excited with his pre-race interviews, throughout our live coverage and reporting as well as posting photos of the winners within minutes of them crossing the finish line, Thom Falzarano’s photo slideshow of the beginning of the race with over 70 hi res pictures posted within an hour of the start of the race,Sister Felicia sending in pictures as the race was unfolding, Marty posting his usual journalistic quality scene photography, Ed Collard getting the footage of the race course and calmly describing the scenesOver 500 hi res photos in all, over 5 hours of video coverage, community photos and involvement, and being the very first to report the winners anywhere I’d say I owe the crew a pizza party at the very least.

You Guys Rock and we once again proved that THIS IS THE SOURCE!  GMG BABY!  Here’s the start of the Fantastic camera work by our David Cox!

Judy Destino and Family


Bobby Gillis With The Fist Bump






Gloucester Fishermen’s Tri IT Director Eddie Sanchez Talks Race Technology

Tri and Du It is the company who ran the Gloucester Fishermen’s Triathlon.  Eddie Sanchez is the man operating the technology.

Listen as Eddie describes how the chips work that time each competitor during our interview at 4:50AM on race day

More Gloucester Tri Coverage To Come!

2010 Gloucester Tri Results

Click the link below for the 2010 Gloucester Fishermen’s Triathlon Results

2010 Gloucester Tri Results

In this video clip Ed Collard Shows Some Pre Race Course Footage and Triathletes Warming Up

Coming Tomorrow, Race Footage Videos, Race Pictures, Interviews With Race IT Man eddie Sanchez and post race interviews.

2010 Gloucester Fishermen’s Triathlon Staging Area at 4:45AM Video

Setting Up The Folks From Tri and Du It are calm cool and collected

This obviously is not the first time they’ve managed a good sized race

Live Blogging the Gloucester Fishermen’s Triathlon

We will have folks at the finish line at tomorrows Gloucester Tri sending us smartphone updates and we can post them.  The email address is If anyone wants to send in pics from the Race course tomorrow from their iPhone or other smartphone cam of a loved one I’ll keep a running post and add those pics to it as they come in.  Be sure to include your friend or loved one’s name and we will post it.

Trust me no one will be covering the Tri like Good Morning Gloucester.  Bookmark us and come back throughout the day for updates.

Live Blogging The Gloucester Fisherman’s Tri Starts Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight NOW!

4:35AM Staging area.

I got up extra early to get some coverage of the set up at the staging area in Saint Peter’s Square (video uploading now)

The race workers are professionals at this all having worked for the company for a while and all knowing their role.  With an hour til competitors will be showing up they were cool, calm and collected, even making jokes knowing that by 5AM the whole place will be bustling with activity.  If I were a triathlete I’d get down there early to sign in if you hadn’t already done so yesterday because the lines will probably get big in a hurry.-

Posted 5:15AM







Posted 8:05AM: From Pavillion Beach Neice Amanda Cheers On Her Tennis Coach Celeste-

Slide Show The Morning Pics From Thom Falzarano Click Picture Below For Slide Show

Posted 8:30AM

Click Here For The Thom Falzarano Gloucester Fishermen's Tri Pre Race Slide Show

Your Mens Winner Ethan Brown- Two Time Winner-

Ethan Brown Mens Winner Overall Winner Pic From Sister Felicia

Karyn Smyres Women’s Winner Posted at 9:15AM Picture From Sister Felicia

Celeste Frey Team aace relay 4th place
Team Rocky Neck- Tucker Destino and Kenny Tashy
Franklin Foster Did It! Pic From Wife Amy
73 Year Old Triathlete John Noble Pic From Thom Falzorano
73 Year Old Triathlete John Noble Pic From Thom Falzorano
2010 Gloucester Tri 2nd Place Mens Chris Bagg

Meet some of the Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon Racers – Video

Meet some of the 2nd Annual Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon Racers at sign in, and be sure to support all the races on Sunday.

Enjoy the Video