Jalepenos $50 of Mexican Food For $25 Deal Extended

We used our Groupon for Hale Street last night.  Our bill came to $50.99 and all we had to leave was $1 and we dropped a $10 tip for our server.  What a steal!  Next up for us is using the Jalepenos one.  at this rate we may never eat home again, lol.

The Jalepenos deal was only supposed to be through last night but when I checked it today it looks like it’s been extended for 6 days.

The Mrs bought one yesterday, I’m buying one today!

I don’t know how these places are doing it but if you are going to cook me dinner for less than it would cost me to eat at home I’m gonna partake.  It’s a win/win.  I’m happy to save money and the Mrs is happy that she doesn’t have to cook!

Sweet! Click the picture for the deal. Best part about this one is that it doesn’t expire til the end of the year.
