Crew Picks Up Spilled Slime Eels

Picking up the last of the spilled barrel of slime eels. I sure hope he’s making good money.

Boom Truck Unloads Slime Eel Barrels

Using this boom truck they can offload this boat just about anywhere.  Another fishing industry innovation.

Slime Eel Barrels Hoisted Over The Rail

Up they come, two barrels at a time.  Slime and all.

Anyone want a job unloading these bad boys?

Crew Member Picks Up Spilled Slime Eels

Not much turns my stomach in the fish business.  I can deal with rotten fish, stinky bait and all that.

A few things still get to me though- maggots and slime eels.  I wretch every time.  Ughhhhh!

The Princess Laura Slime Eel Boat

Here’s the Fishing Vessel Princess Laura who primarily is rigged to catch slime eels.

Slime Eels With the Zugu And A Loaf Of Italian Bread!

You put a little zugu on there and a loaf of Sclafani’s bread and you got yourself a meal!

Slime Eels, originally uploaded by captjoe06.