DOGBAR, Naples Florida -For Andy Mullholland

Along Fifth Avenue South in Naples Florida a shop owner made a little water stop for dogs.  Above in tile it reads “DOG BAR” which is a fantastic restaurant in Gloucester Ma owned by Andy Mullholland.

DOGBAR, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


The Bean and Daddy’s Photo Safari Slide Show

Well mammaw got the Bean her first camera for Easter and yesterday we walked around Fifth Avenue and The Naples Pier (the same pier my grandfather Captain Joe used to fish off of daily during his winters in Naples).  We spent the day on a photo safari taking pictures and me teaching her some of the basics.  I have to say that at her young age of 4 and a half she really does a pretty good job of framing her shots. 

I’ve been teaching her about trying to take pictures with the light behind you and shining onto your subjects and teaching her about some of the basic functions on the camera like the macro setting and other stuff.  She really seems to love it and I had about the best time that I’ve had down here sharing one of my passions with my daughter.  It was just great.

The slide show is a mix of pictures that she took and I took while on our photo safari together.

click the picture for the slide show