GloucesterCast 238 With Israel Horovitz, Heidi Dallin, Emme Shaw, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 8/19/17

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GloucesterCast 238 With Israel Horovitz, Heidi Dallin, Emme Shaw, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 8/19/17


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Topics Include:
Israel Horovitz- wrote a play- The Indian Wants The Bronx that was first premiered in 1966 (51 years ago) which starred Al Pacino who was as yet undiscovered.  The play won the Obie Award for Best Play, Best Actor (Pacino), and Best Supporting Actor (Cazale).
In 1982 the Film that was at least partially filmed here in Gloucester Author! Author! written by Israel and is paraphrasing from wikipedia- ” concerns a Broadway playwright who strives to solve his family and relationship troubles while trying to get a new play into production.”  Also starring Al Pacino 12 years later.
I saw Kim’s pictures from the opening of Out of the Mouths of Babes now playing at Gloucester Stage purchase tickets here  and Israel looks so hip- What are the keys to staying young and relevant as you get older?
Tuesday Night- Israel Horovitz New Shorts Featuring Professional Boston Actors With a Mix of local Kids that work with Heidi Dallin in The Gloucester Stage Youth Acting Workshop
Thacher Island Association Awarded a Grant for A Boat Ramp-
Eclipse on Monday starts at 1:29PM  Still Have Special Eclipse Glasses At Sawyer Free Library
FISH PRINTER JOE HIGGINS WILL BE AT THE WATERFRONT FESTIVAL WITH SOME INSANE DEALS–  “I will have plenty of new prints small and large and t shirts for $5 instead of $25 if out come over and say hi and show me this post”