Sista’s Favorite Kitchen Gadget of the week



Silicone Omelet Mold by Le’Kue’


Silicone Omelet mold by Le’Kue’, is quite handy during the early morning rush of getting son BJ and husband Barry out the door on time to beat the rout 128 traffic.  At the start of this school year I began fixing BJ and St. Barry “to go” breakfast wraps per their request.  This morning ritual of preparing a hot “to go” breakfast, followed by the quick ‘kiss, kiss, have a good day, here is your warm breakfast, enjoy, wave goodbye close the door,” left me with the not so joyful sink of dirty cooking equipment each morning.

Two weeks ago while washing at the sink, a flash back of a microwave cooking demonstration I attended with my mother, back in the day when Microwaves were the new “Must Have” Kitchen Gadget of the times. The fast, no fuss little mess style cooking revolutionized kitchen around the world. 


I remembered watching scrabbled eggs cook in a glass Pyrex liquid measuring cup quickly, effortlessly, and with little mess within minute’s right in the aisle of the appliance store. The very next morning, happened to be a Saturday, and I decided to replicate that same microwave egg demonstration to son BJ. He thought it was a genius approach of cooking fast with little mess to clean, and was happy with the results. For the next several days their “to go” breakfast wraps and sandwiches were prepared in this fashion, until I scored this nifty silicone omelet gadget made by Le’Kue’ on clearance for $8.00 in Marshalls the other day. This Silicone Omelet mold by Le’Kue’ has definitely made my morning job of fixing a hot “To Go” breakfast for my boys a lot faster and easier. I definitely give this kitchen gadget a two thumbs up for the ease of preparing eggs in an omelet style via the microwave.  

*Note~ Our fist omelet was prepared following the manufactures instructions, of whisking ingredients together before pouring into the silicone mold, but that process resulted in 3 things to clean measuring cup, whisking tool, and silicon mold. I shorten the cleaning item list to 2 by add and whisking all ingredients together in the silicone mold itself just prior to cooking. 

If you like omelet style eggs and find your morning too busy to deal with “cooking” that requires your undivided attention so you don’t burn the house down, find yourself a Le’Kue’ Omelete mold Stat!

Click Read More for Step-by-Step PhotosMarshalls

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