Anita Diamant Moderator at Duckworth’s and the Writer’s Book Club Event!

Anita Diamant Gloucester ©Kim Smith 2014The Eastern Point Lit House Writer’s Book Club, held at Duckworth’s on Sunday evening, was an absolutely fantastic and super fun event. Anitia Diamant, author of The Red Tent and Good Harbor, was the guest writer and she led a discussion about Billy Collins, her favorite poet. Anita has attended several Billy Collins readings and describes herself as his fangirl. Collins is the former Poet Laureate of the United States and one of the most widely read and popular of poets in American history.

Duckworths ©Kim Smith 2014The evening began with a beautiful array of delicious dishes, including shrimp with guacamole, Ken’s always fabulous polenta, and a medley of lightly cooked and dressed seasonal vegetables.

Dawn Sarrouf ©Kim Smith 2014JPGDawn Sarrouf  Reading from Ballistics

Guests took turns reading aloud poems from the collection titled Ballistics. Poignant, humorous, accessible, and with a brilliant compactness of writing, Collins reportedly sites cartoons as one of his greatest influences. Although I did not have time to read ahead of time, after listening to the selcetion of poems read aloud, I definitely look forward to reading Ballistics. This brings me to the point that Ken Duckworth made, which is that at the Writer’s Book Club, no one need feel as though they must read the book prior to the event and that it can be just as interesting to hear about the book selection for the first time from the perspective of other guests, which (as it has for me on several occasions) may in turn lead to reading the book.

Colleen ©Kim Smith 2014


Michelle atticus ©Kim Smith 2014Michelle and Atticus

Kne Duckworth Chris AndersonChef Ken Duckworth and Chris Anderson

Anita Diamant ©Kim Smith 2014Anita Diamant and Her Husband Jim Reading a Favorite Poem

Dan's Dahlia's ©Kim Smith 2014Master Horticulturist Dan’s Dinner Plate-sized Dahlia!

Duckworth's Distrot ©kim Smith 2014

September’s Writer’s Book Club selection is The Secret Life of Bees, and will be led by moderator S Stephanie. Purchase your tickets sooner rather than later as these fun and lively Writer’s Book Club events sell out quickly!


Clamtributors and Clamrespondents at Eastern Point Lit House Clam Night Event!

Gloucester Clam ©Kim Smith 2014

Front row, from left: Stevens Brosnihan, Amanda Cook, KT Toomey; back row: Adam Kuhlmann, Jeremy McKeen, James Dowd, Len Pallazola, and Brooke Welty

The Clam ~ Filter Feeding on All Things Gloucester

The Gloucester Haiku Project


photo-2-1Howdy Joey and Kim,

I’ve been meaning to send this your way, but we’ve been busy, busy, busy. I was wondering if you could help spread the word about The Gloucester Haiku Project. We’re asking folks–residents and visitors–to write a haiku or two about Gloucester. The subject matter can be anything, from the beauty of the back shore to our glorious pothole riddled streets. Anything, as long as it has to do with Gloucester. We’re looking for small poems from everyone, not just poets. We’ve been getting quite a few from kids, which is fantastic.

We’ll be collecting haiku until August 31, after which we will choose the best and publish them in a poetry chapbook this fall via Lit House Press. We’ve even set up a little box outside our shop at 261 Main St. for folks to drop their haiku off, maybe while they’re picking up bread at Alexandra’s or pet supplies from Animal Krackers. We’re also taking submissions online at: The Eastern Point Lit House Gloucester Haiku Project.

Thank you for all you do to bring this community together! And we’ll be expecting haiku from the two of you for sure!


Chris (Anderson)


Linda rae castagna Meets Christopher Anderson

It was a pleasure meeting writer/teacher Christopher Anderson in his new store on Main Street, Eastern Point Lit House.  We learned all about him from his wife Michelle over dinner at Duckworth’s  the other night.  What a valuable concept in this day of literary weaknesses.  There are writing workshops for all ages and abilities, public editor for a wide variety of writing projects, proofreading, author and manuscript consultation and coaching, small press books, and countless other offerings.  Wish we had Eastern Point Lit House near our home.  And Alexandra’s Bread right next door.  It is a full service literary center.  Christopher Anderson and Jenn Monroe are co-founders.  We wish them great success and all who follow.  


Eastern Point Lit House Grand Opening is a Splendid Success!

photo 3-1Although unable to attend the Eastern Point Lit House grand opening gala celebration, I heard through the grapevine that it was a fabulous success and very well attended by a crowd of friends, family, and well-wishers. I also heard that Ken and Nicole Duckworth and Laura from the Cave provided an array of super tasty treats and refreshments and that they were wonderfully lavish and delicious. Congratulations to Chris, Jenn, and Michelle and best wishes for great success with EPLH!

All photos courtesy of Chris Anderson.


photo 3

photo 1

Upcoming for Eastern Point Lit House is a children’s book writing workshop with Eric Pinder. Register now as space is limited.


More Kudos to Eastern Point Lit House

Adding to Joey’s breaking news post of earlier today–here’s the press release from Eastern Point Lit House:

We’re extremely excited to announce that we have signed a lease for 261 Main Street in downtown Gloucester, Massachusetts, a physical home for Eastern Point Lit House & Press. We’re right next door to Alexandra’s Bread, which is of course awesome!

So what is Eastern Point Lit House hoping to accomplish? Anything we can dream up to enliven and support the literary arts on Cape Ann and beyond. In shop we’ll have books we’ve published, as well as those written and published by other folks making incredibly beautiful small press, limited run, and independent books. The kind that you must hold in your hands because they are so unique and gorgeous–books not typically sold in regular book stores. We’ll offer workshops for all ages and abilities led by some fantastic writers and teachers, proofreading and editing services (a public editor for anything from novel manuscripts to press releases and business letters), writing supplies, poetry postcards, cool literary themed t-shirts, and more. We’ll also feature kick ass narrative art and readings by some of today’s most exciting writers. Think of it as a word gallery of sorts, where the written word is the art. Basically we want to make literature even more fun right here in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Literary Cape Ann, y’all. Write by the Sea. Soft opening in a few weeks, and then a big grand opening celebration after that. Dates and more details coming soon. Keep an eye on our social media feeds on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ to get the latest word.

Our monthly Writer’s Book Club will continue at Duckworth’s Bistrot.

Looking forward to kicking things up on Main Street!
Thanks for everything!
ChrisChris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2014

“The Last Fish Tale” Writer’s Book Club Event at Duckworth’s ~ Get Your Tickets Now!

Another beautiful jpeg flyer from Chris Anderson at Eastern Point Lit House. Thanks so much Chris for making sharing with our GMG readers so enjoyable.  Also, get ready for some super exciting breaking news from Eastern Point Lit House!




The Writer’s Book Club at Duckworth’s Presents “The Things They Carried”

Very much looking forward to this Writer’s Book Club event, presented by Eastern Point Lit House and Duckworth’s Bistrot! Chris Anderson, one of my favorite people and a GMG FOB, is going to be leading the event. This promises to be a great discussion, made especially enjoyable as it will be held at the always warm and welcoming Duckworth’s restaurant, accompanied by the sublime Ken Duckworth viands!! I hope to see you there!

Chris writes:

Hi Kim!

Glad you’re back. But with this snow, I bet you wish you were still in Mexico;
Can you help spread the word about these upcoming EPLH events? I’d really appreciate it. The reading this Sunday is going to be great–Joseph Riippi is a wonderful writer and person. And I’ll be leading the book club at Duckworth’s. We’re doing Tim O’Brien’s The Things They Carried, a modern classic, and one of my favorite books (I was lucky enough to attend workshops/hang with Tim in grad school back in Texas). I can’t wait!

Hope this finds you well (and warm).

Thank you!


Ken Duckworth Hosts Alan Watts Book Discussion

Ken Duckworth -2 ©Kim Smith 2013Ken Duckworth and Michelle Anderson

Ken Duckworth spoke before a packed house Sunday evening for the last event of the season of The Writers Book Club, which featured The Book: On the Taboo of Knowing Who You Are, written by the philosopher Alan Watts.

Duckworth's oysters ©Kim Smith 2013The Writer’s Book Club events are co-hosted by Eastern Point Lit House and Duckworth’s Bistrot.  Every seat in the restaurant was filled, and I understand that the house could have been sold three times over. I hope Ken will lead another discussion in the future and perhaps it will be held at a larger venue so more can meet this wryly humorous and engaging side of Ken.

Ken Duckworth  -3 ©Kim Smith 2013We have all come to appreciate Ken for his extraordinary talents as the star chef that he is, and it was equally as enjoyable to listen to him share about a philosopher for whom he cares so deeply and passionately. I am very inspired to read The Book by Alan Watts and hope I can locate a copy before my train ride to NYC this Thursday!

Chris Anderson ©Kim Smith 2013Chris Anderson, Eastern Point Lit House Co-founder

To date, this is the second Writers Book Club event that I have attended and I can’t tell you how much I have enjoyed the beautiful dinners, the speakers (Ken and Steve Almond), fellow guests, and the warm and welcoming hospitality of hosts Ken, Chris, Michelle, Nicole, and Jenn.  Thank you Duckworth’s and Eastern Point Lit House!!! Best wishes for an equally successful season of events this coming year!

Michelle Anderson Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smith 2013Michelle and Ken

The Writer’s Book Club is taking a little break during the holidays, but they are already planning a wonderful lineup of exciting speakers and authors for the 2014 season.

©Kim Smith 2013Sunday afternoon I had the pleasure to attend not one, but two fantastic local events. Rather than cramming both into one post, tomorrow I’ll share about the Savour Wine and Cheese’s First Annual Wine and Beer Tasting event.

Ken Duckpwrth -4 ©Kim Smith 2013

Filming in very low light with the Fujifilm X-E1 at ISO 12,000–even so, the Fuji powers on! 

Reminder: Ken Duckworth Hosts the Writer’s Book Club on Sunday November 17th

Ken Duckworth ©Kim Smith 2013Ken Duckworth is not only preparing an array of seasonal appetizers, he is also leading the discussion!

Eastern Point Lit House Fall Book Club Calendar

November 17: Ken Duckworth leads a discussion of The Book by Alan Watts. SOLD OUT

Ken Duckworth is the award-winning executive chef of Duckworth’s Bistro, where he focuses on local, seasonal ingredients that supports local industry. Following his passion for all things food, he honed his culinary skills at Saddlebrook Resort in Tampa and The Cloister in Georgia. He has been our gracious host for this series and we are so pleased to have him leading our last discussion of the year.