Linda rae castagna Meets Christopher Anderson

It was a pleasure meeting writer/teacher Christopher Anderson in his new store on Main Street, Eastern Point Lit House.  We learned all about him from his wife Michelle over dinner at Duckworth’s  the other night.  What a valuable concept in this day of literary weaknesses.  There are writing workshops for all ages and abilities, public editor for a wide variety of writing projects, proofreading, author and manuscript consultation and coaching, small press books, and countless other offerings.  Wish we had Eastern Point Lit House near our home.  And Alexandra’s Bread right next door.  It is a full service literary center.  Christopher Anderson and Jenn Monroe are co-founders.  We wish them great success and all who follow.  


Good evening, Joey!–Linda Rae Castagna Writes In


We have just enjoyed 8 great days in Rockport/Gloucester and loved every moment.  We just completed our last evening by dining for the first time at DUCKWORTH’S BISTROT on East Main Street, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment, especially trying 1/2 dinner’s x 4.  Your lobster, from CAPTAIN JOE and SONS, was featured in the risotto, tender and juicy.  The staff couldn’t have been kinder or more eager to help us.  And because we were 1st timers in the restaurant, we ended up with a seat right in front of the window.  Going to tell her we’re new next time too!
On the way to our car we found Beth underneath piles of recycled sails in AGAIN and AGAIN, happily sewing the latest tote bag.  That’s a fun store!
As always it is worth it to make the long drive from Milford, New Jersey to Gloucester.  We simply never tire of your homeport.  Linda and Rob Castagna

Linda Rae Castagna


Linda rae Castagna Has Some Nice Things To Say

Good morning, Gloucester, literally.  We are visiting once again from Milford, New Jersey.  Do you have any idea how difficult it is to see your excellent website every day when we are 5 plus hours away?  To see your plates of food, to drool, and not be satisfied.  Really, we can’t hop in the car just for breakfast or lunch, and then back home.  So when we do visit, we delight in visiting the restaurants that you have blessed with your pictures.  I would like to add one.  My husband loved his seafood dish from Passports yesterday.
I am also adding a picture I took with my 4g iPhone (absolutely love Apple products, of which I have many).  We watched as it turned from grey and dreary to the sun shining through and changing the mood of the day. 
Thank you for your wonderful website.  An amazing amount of work, I know.  Blessings,
Linda rae and Rob




Linda rae Castagna Writes About The Fisherman’s Memorial Service

My husband Rob and I come as often as possible to visit your wonderful area.  Thank you for all your work on GoodMorningGloucester – it keeps up up to date.  Yesterday we visited the Fisherman’s Memorial Service, thanks to your mention of it.  Thought you might want a couple of pictures from the experience and separately I will send the video from my iPhone.  Very moving service for two people who realize that it is because of these hardworking men that we have our favorite seafood whenever we want it.  Very humbling, to say the least.  Linda and Rob Castagna


