American Robin winter crabapple turdus migratorius, americanus Ā©kim Smith 2015American Robin and Crabapples

Right on schedule, the robins have returned to ourĀ East Gloucester neighborhood! They were seen flocking to the holly berries, crabapples and sumac. This morning it was bleak and drizzly;Ā I hope to see themĀ back in our neighborhood on a sunnier day!

Dear Readers, If you spotĀ robins in your garden or neighborhood, please comment in the comment section and let us know when and where. If you get a good capture of a robin, or any songbird for that matter, please send to and I will be happy to shareĀ theĀ photosĀ here on GMG. Thank you so much!

For more information about robins see previous posts here:

American Robin NestlingsĀ 

The American Robin and Bird Food

I Love Sumac