GloucesterCast 236 with Lesley Davison, Randy O’Neil, Corey Ricci-Munn, Corey Marshall, Charlene Delaney, Karen Pischke, Cat Ryan, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 8/6/17

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GloucesterCast 236 with Lesley Davison, Randy O’Neil, Corey Ricci-Munn, Corey Marshall, Charlene Delaney, Karen Pischke, Cat Ryan, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 8/6/17


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Topics Include:
Happy Birthday To Alicia Cox- Of Our Alicia Unleashed Podcast
Thanks To Lisa Templeton Who Sent A Couple Of Old Calendars Of Gloucester
The CPAP Machine- I Just Can’t
41st Running of The Magnolia 5k Road Race  August 26th to register-
Kay Ellis Memorial Fundraiser
Sidewalk Bazaar
Rocky Neck Accommodations Actually Has Availability This Summer and It’s Awesome.  Call 978-381-9848 or 978-804-0562 for more information and to reserve a room or email at
Danny Diamond- Diamond In the Rough
Downtown Gloucester Block Party This Saturday
When you ask your significant other if they want anything just before you place an order and they say no and then proceed to eat your food once it comes.-  The worst.
Annisquam Village Players Singing In The Rain Opens Tuesday Through Sunday For Tickets-
Carrilon Bells At Our Lady Of Good Voyage Church Every Saturday 5:15-5:45PM With LuAnn Palazolla
Painted Lady Butterfly Irruption
Plover Update