Lobster Meat Debate- Tail, Knuckle, Claw. What Ya Got?

If I’m eating straight lobster meat or lobster in a a lobster roll I want a majority of the meat to be tail and knuckle meat.  Claw meat is still good and all but no where near as good IMO as tail and knuckle meat for the simple fact that you get that one section of claw meat out of the skinny section of the claw that is more like sponge like in texture compared to the succulent knuckle or tail meat.


Which leads me to the lobster roll produced by Luke’s Lobster in New Yawk City.

Photos from http://newyork.seriouseats.com


Their lobster roll described here-

Whole chunks of lobster claw was stuffed in a top-split bun at Luke’s stand. Each roll was made to order, with a swipe of mayo on the inside, lemon butter and secret seasoning on top.

I’m not gonna go into a wild crazy rant because Luke’s got a lot of things right here and only a few things wrong, the point I ‘m trying to make in this post is in asking you, our viewers, would you be happy with a lobster roll that consisted of all claw meat?

The ideal lobster roll actually consists of meat from all parts of the lobster, if I got only claw meat I’d feel like I was getting jipped.

Let’s poll this to see how you feel-