Gloucester high school athletes summer beach training

These coaches and kids show up Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and really dig in.  The Volunteer coaches today were Zach Smith and Kyle. Michael Lattoff (sp?) is retiring and started this boot camp 30+ years ago.  I marvel at the dedication of volunteer coaches.

My piping plover watch shift overlaps with this session. Good Harbor Beach piping plovers are conditioning alongside these hardworking athletes. The birds have to be well and strong for migration; zipping about the beach is no picnic.


Tough drills start low and use the ocean, too



Boot Camp with Tracy O’Neil With Audio Fixed

They meet everyday rain or shine at Good Harbor Beach Monday through Friday 6:00-7:00 AM

I attended the Stretch and Core session which is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (note I only took photos)

It was a beautiful morning with some very high energy individuals.

Tracy’s site

Enjoy the video