Nominate Your Favorite Blog For 2011 Boston’s Most Valuable Blogger Award

There are many great blogs in our area and this is your opportunity to help to recognize them.

There are great photography blogs like Jay Albert’s Cape Ann Images Steve Borichevski’s Shooting My Universe.  There are great food bloggers like Heather Atwood’s Food For Thought, Author Jane’s Food and Fiction, the best restaurant critic site around- North Shore Dish there is Doug Maxfield’s awesome commercial fisherman diary- North Shore Waterman, there is the Northeast Cultural blog The Two Palaverers, the place I’m convinced 90% of all Boston Newsmakers get their leads-Universal Hub, knitting and writing blogs like Kat Valentine’s Parlez-Moi Press. John Hintlians hip everything cool Hye Tyde, Art Blogs Like Deb Clarke’s Another Magpie Nest.  and oh so many more that I can’t possibly remember but the point is that if you dig any of these blogs why not let them know it by voting for them in the 2011 CBS Boston Boston’s Most Valuable Blogger Awards

There are several different categories but if you would like to participate and acknowledge those bloggers efforts, click the picture below and nominate your favorites-


Honesty In Food- Chickity Check It! Author Jane Ward’s Food and Fiction

When reading and looking at Author Jane Ward’s Food and Fiction Blog there is one thing that strikes me immediately and that is the honesty in her food.

Not overly dressed or overly prepared, her dishes are simple and elegant and let the gorgeous beauty of nature’s bounty tell the honest story.


Chickity Check Out her Blog Here

When I had first met Jane it was at The Market Restaurant At Lobster Cove when we had a North Shore Bloggers dinner and true story I didn’t recognize her at the table because I was expecting someone much older from her twitter pic that she had at the time.  (Good job on the new pic Jane. Much better)

you can follow her on twitter as well- @authorjane

some pics from Jane’s Blog-



Chickity Check It! Miz Lia’s Blog & Flickr Page

Miz Lia has her own blog with photos taken always from a fresh funky perspective.  She proves the theory that you don’t necessarily need a $1000 camera to put together some interesting visually stunning photography.    Watch out world because once she does get herself a big girl camera she’s gonna be even more dangerous.

Last night she posted some pics from the First Ever Gloucester-Guerilla Art Project (G-GAP) on her site MizLia.  You can also check out her Flickr Site here-MizLia’s Flickr