Inane Banter Guy At Pleasant St Tea Co Parts I and II

I get out of work last night and quickly run through Pleasant St Tea Company for a cup of Joe so I won’t fall asleep on my wife and girls as soon as I get home.

Grab an iced coffee to go and while preparing it at the coffee additive station (see this post about how I feel about coffee additive stations) this bananahead is slumped into the corner chair spouting off the most incredible line of bullshit which this young girl seemed to be buying into.

I was tempted to call him out on his ridiculousness but opted for the video outside which follows-

watch part I then II for the whole scoop


The machine demonstrated here is supposedly a humane way to kill lobsters by stunning them with an electric current. How stunning them with an electric current is somehow more humane than any other way of killing a lobster is beyond me.

Some silly companies will rush out to purchase them so they can make their customers feel better about eating lobster because “THEY SAY” it’s humane.

LOL Bananaheads!